Dodger almost lost a home


I cannot recall how long it has been since you came to our home and helped us with Dodger, maybe 6 months or more! If you recall he is a high-spirited, high-energy, dominant guy who looks like a yellow lab mix and bossed our whole family. I just wanted to update you on the long-terms effects of your training for us all. It did not happen overnight, but the concepts you gave us about how to communicate with him and how to place the humans in the dominant position in our household have slowly but surely turned Dodger into a joy for our family. This is remarkable because, as much as I loved the cute guy, I was very close to finding him another home when we met you.

Dodger is now a very popular friend to the neighborhood, and many people have commented on how much better behaved he is than when they first met him. He plays with several neighborhood dogs on an almost daily basis. He “checks in” with me for approval more than any of his doggie friends! He is so much better on the leash that I can jog with him now. Best of all, Dodger seems exceedingly happy that the family pack is in the proper order.

I just wanted you to know that your work with us was a success. Thank you so much.

Amy Milligan

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