Buddy & Annie

Thank you so much for coming over last night and showing us how to interact with Buddy and Annie! We have had dogs all our life, and they have always been running the show. No one ever taught us how to the “leader of the pack!” Now that we, the humans, are in control, we have two very different little dogs! In less than 24 hours both dogs are now walking appropriately on a leash, and not jumping uninvited onto our laps and furniture. They are calm and happy, if not a bit bewildered about the changes in their good masters! They remained in the crate for the entire night, (although there was some whining and scratching until later in the night) and did not make a sound until I let them out at 7:30 this morning. They did not even whine and scratch to get out of the crate when they heard we were up and about! I am already seeing so many changes in us and the dogs and it is wonderful! I know the situation with continue to improve now that we have a much better understanding of what the dogs need and want from a master. Annie is still being a bit obstinate about a few things, but once she remembers that we are in control, she is compliant. I look forward to giving you updates over the next few days. You are truly blessed with a gift from God in your ability to interact with and understand not only dogs, but their masters as well!

Sincerely, Beth

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