Oliver & Harper

24 hours after first visit


You’re too kind. It is us that must thank you. Harper was a different dog last night. He went to bed in his crate and slept all through the night. Didn’t wake up until 4:30 this morning when he went out to the bathroom and then right back in his crate. He’s been in his crate most of the day, as has Oliver. Did I mention that Harper has been resting QUIETLY in his crate? You have no idea what a difference that is from the dog who had, in the past, been flinging his body against the side, gnawing on the bars and screaming to high heavens! It’s such a dramatic change that I can only call it a miracle!

I cannot thank you enough for coming to help with these guys. You have given me so much more confidence and I can’t tell you how great it is to have someone to talk to about how to have a balanced pack. I was just thrilled!

You have already made a mammoth difference to both Oliver and Harper, and I know you did to my husband and me. You truly have a gift for this work.

Gratefully yours, Kimberly

48 hours after first visit

10 days ago: Oliver’s vet visit for heartworm test/neuter appointment
On the car ride to the vet’s he was back and forth and back and forth across the back seat. He would not (could not?) settle. When I opened the back door of the car to let him out, he dove for it and I was barely able to grab him as he leapt to get away. We enter the vet clinic and he goes ballistic. Barking and growling so badly at the other dogs and the people that I had to wait for the vet behind a half-closed door until they had a room ready for me (and he still growled and barked at the closed door). He growled and barked at the vet attendant incessantly. We had to muzzle him. BTW – he’s been muzzled every time he’s been to the vet – which is 6 for 6 up until this time.

Fast forward to today – stitches removal
He calmly sat on the back seat and looked out the window. We arrived at the vet. He patiently waited for me to invite him to leave the back seat. He trotted up to the door. I entered first , his tail was wagging. No growling. Not even a peep. No staring at anyone, just calmly looking up at me. No barking. He sat quietly by my side in the waiting room across from two other dogs. He was a bit uncomfortable, but before he sat, I touched his tail and he lowered it. We were called into the exam room. He was fine. The VERY loud assistant burst into the room and although she startled us, Oliver made absolutely no aggressive moves at all. As a matter of fact, nothing even closely resembling a growl, just a happy face and a happy tail (wagging, wagging). We lifted him on the table, turned him on his back (a submissive posture – he on his back with two relative strangers heading for his private parts). However, not a peep from the dog-formerly-known-as-a-growling-snarling-mess. The vet, with the attendant’s assistance, calmly removed the stitches. We were done. Did I mention no muzzle required???? They could not believe it was the same dog and they asked me what I had done. I then got to spend the next 10 minutes talking about you.

It was a joy to take Oliver to the vet today. Just amazing. Thought you’d like to know.

Thanks again Tod. This work is so powerful.

Kind regards, Kimberly

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